About Me


I am an Assistant Professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and a Senior Policy Fellow of the Center for Business and Public Policy.

My main research areas and expertise are in labor and urban economics. I am interested in understanding how firm structure and competitive behavior affect aggregate outcomes related to income inequality and technological change. My research seeks to explain phenomena influencing the spatial organization of firms as well as impacts on workers through technological innovation. I pay particular attention to the forces that lead to the spatial clustering of industries and activities such as innovation and new firm formation. I am currently working on projects that attempt to assess the welfare impacts of policies seeking to stimulate local economies through subsidies to large firms. As a Special Sworn Status researcher in the U.S. Census Bureau, I use tax and Census records on the universe of businesses and workers in ongoing projects related to local labor markets and firm dynamics.

I earned my Ph.D. at Duke University, M.A. in economics from Boston University, and B.S. and B.A. degrees in finance, economics, and mathematics from Indiana University.